1887 Map | Official map of Siskiyou County, State of California | Cadastral California | Landowners | Real Property | Siskiyou County | Siskiyou County Calif | United States Relief shown by shading, hachures, and spot heights. Cadastral map showing drain
1887 Map | Official map of Siskiyou County, State of California | Cadastral California | Landowners | Real Property | Siskiyou County | Siskiyou County Calif | United States Relief shown by shading, hachures, and spot heights. Cadastral map showing drain
Map size: 16 inches x 24 inches | Fits 16x24 size frame (or 16x24 Mat Opening) | Frame not included | Archival quality reproduction
1887 Map | Official map of Siskiyou County, State of California | Subject: Cadastral California | Landowners | Real Property | Siskiyou County | Siskiyou County Calif | United States Relief shown by shading, hachures, and spot heights. Cadastral map showing drainage, railroads, land ownership, landowners' names, judicial townships, township, section and quarter-section lines, etc. "Approved and declared to be the official map of Siskiyou County, by... Board of Supervisors... 1887." of Etna, Callahans, Yreka, Sketch showing all mineral surveys in T.45 N., R.7 W., M.D.M.k, Montague, and Fort Jones, andillustration.